Online Shop eblejta.de is one of the products of purplespin company, which is registered in Germany. Through this Online Shop, we aim to offer all interested parties important articles that are difficult to find in the European Union market. For the Albanian diaspora to have easier access to these articles, this shop is offered in 3 languages (Albanian, German and English) as well as the possibility of the usage of the shop on all technological platforms.
The blejta.de team is made up of IT professionals and experts with many years of experience in online sales. This guarantees that everyone who buys is comfortable and safe in their purchases.
“Read in ALBANIAN! Maintain your IDENTITY!”
We will start and continue with the following motto.
The intriguing difference of this site is that it brings to you the most attractive and best books for your children and other age groups in their language, at your own home while saving your time!
Our goal and mission, which we also believe responds to yours, is to influence our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren outside Albanian lands to be proud of being ALBANIAN and to promote our national values wherever they are. This page aims to preserve our excellent identity and tradition through reading and writing in ALBANIAN, which should be an obligation for every Albanian parent, wherever they are.
In addition to Albanian authors, you can also find translations of famous books by foreign authors (or eminent world authors).